PET PEEVE: WHEN church conferences say "free breakfast" but upon arrival u discover only cheap store-bought cookies on a table. Some of us actually plan our day based on what is stated in writing. So I didn't eat anything before this pro-life conference @ holy family artesia,expecting some sort of eggs & bacon or at least bagels & fruit,etc,but all they put out were the cheapest cookies iver ever seen! Its a real turn-off when a church does this. If they had written "continental breakfast" I might have expected just cookies,but they didn't say that. I was thinking maybe they decided to go "all out" & really welcome us parishioners (who pay for it anyways, with offerings,right?) . But NO. We just get cheap cookies and a half-filled styrofoam cup of coffee. C'mon Holy Family,say what u mean and mean what u say! And they said free lunch too. I'm wondering what that will ? Peanut-butter-&-jelly? By the way, this is NOT a poor parish. Its primarily Filipino congregation is very active here & not poor. The sanctuary itself is always well-kept & maintained,so why do they go "on the cheap" for this conference? But were not supposed to complain at church,right? I wonder what the priest is having for breakfast in the parish kitchen?
One other thing I have also noticed is that sometimes these catholic churches have big shindigs...fiestas,but they charge an arm&-a-leg. So this one is free and we get what we pay for right? It sends a subtle message (or maybe not so subtle) that I think will backfire after a while.
So we pray for the catholics of L.A.,or the priests,or administrators,or whoever makes the decisions about "what to feed the people" (or not). Let them not be so cheap & frugal that they bite the hand that feeds them (it is the parishioners who give offerings; albeit I realize the catholic church worldwide can probably live off the interest of their sizable still originally came from "the people". So give back to the people! Don't treat us like trash!